Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free Coffee!

Odds are no one will see this before the end of the day, but just in case...

Starbucks is giving away free brewed coffee all day today (April 15th) if you bring in a reusable travel mug instead of using a paper cup.  I'm not the hugest fan of Starbucks' coffee to begin with, but since it also helps the environment, I think I'll have to go pick up a cup.  Go get one yourself, and pass it on!  The more people who do this, the better response Starbucks gets to greening itself, the more initiatives that are good for the planet they'll start to implement.

So take someone out for coffee tonight!  Tell them it's on you.  :)


  1. I did go into my Starbucks (in the HyVee on Mills Civic) and they didn't know about the promotion. That saddened me that Starbucks corporate wouldn't have let ALL locations know. My Starbucks still filled up my cup for free though - so kuddos to them for that. I too don't like Starbucks, I prefer Caribou but figured I'd take advantage of it!

  2. I got out of class, went home, picked up Karin, and we headed out to the nearest Starbucks...only to find it closed. Stupid Starbucks closing at nine... :(
