Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday (no, Tuesday) Morning Photo

It's been a pretty action-packed several days (hence the Monday morning photo being posted on Tuesday), but strangely few pictures were taken over the last 7 days.  In some ways that's not a surprise, since this little project was born of a desire to take more photos in the first place, and actually parse them for good ones before relegating them to the abyss of my hard drive.

There were so many activities over the weekend that would have been good photo ops, but it wasn't til Sunday evening that I actually took a photo.  Saturday morning we went to the farmers market, which is frequently picturesque, but we wisely opted to go during the heaviest rain and highest wind of the day ;) so our focus was much more on efficient shopping than photographing.  That afternoon we went to see my bro-in-law play his first game in the semi-pro baseball league he joined, but all the seats were behind a big chain link fence, and those kind of pictures almost never turn out.

But we also ended up making three trips down to our garden, so that's today's picture.  A worm's-eye view of our progress in one of the raised beds.  That giant tree in the foreground is a young broccoli, you can see some neatly spaced kale off to the left, all against the backdrop of our spectacularly climbing peas.

None of these guys are producing food just yet, but they're really starting to come along.  I thought the broccoli were doing pretty well under the grow light at home, but they have really taken off once they got into the ground and saw some real sunlight.  It should be another month or so and we'll hopefully be eating delicious broccoli we grew ourselves.  In the interim, we are feasting on the less photogenic but equally delicious lettuce, spinach and radishes that are starting to ripen.  I love our garden, and I kinda love this picture.  It really captures the magic in between seed and food - the incredible process that we have set into motion to generate food from the absolute basics.  That's a good feeling.

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